miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Social networks tools...

First i must make clear that i am not a big fan of the "ciberworld", but in the moderns time is almost impossible to be out. Years ago i used to use diary messenger, have conversation with my friends, spent a lot of time in this and usually i got fighting because of the coumputer with my stepbrother, but now i dont enjoy it so and i use it just for specific this, like coordinate works and this kind of things.
Actually the social network that i take a look now and then is Facebook, i use it to let post to my friends and receive information about events and partys.
And now i'm learning to use this tool "Blogspot", i think is a good idea to know how are our classmates in this class and maybe help someone.
Moreover i use Myspace to listen music from some band that i cant find to download or know new bands, in fact right now im listening through myspace a Chilean singer called Mamacita, i saw her the last week live and i begged her to give me one cd that she was selling, because i didn't have more money to buy it (she gave it to me free). she makes really funny music! LISTEN TO HIM!
well... i don´t use to use another social network tool so i can´t tell anymore. 
that's all

pd: Simon  sorry for dont wen yesterday to your class, i can't wake up -.-

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I know that you hate internet and sometimes you make me think you're like a flintstone, so I found some grammar errors that you should improve, for example: the correct word is Parties not Partys, it's like a grammar rule like City-Cities or Lady-Ladies...Also in the end you wrote "I don't went" (although you wrote wen)and if you wanna write something in past when you're denying something, you have to change the auxiliary and not the verb.
    These are the big mistakes that you have, you have more, but aren't so important. If you find any grammar error on my blog, please tell me.

  2. thanks luchin! i just wanted to finish my homework, but really thank you, there are somethings that i must practice. i'll take a look to you blog later to see if i can contribute in something

    Simón! i'm losing this fight... sometimes i just can't go out of bed

  3. I don`t still listen to Mamacita music, post your myspace!
