martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

My favorite movie: Megamind! :D

Well, i dont know which is my favorite movie, but this is one of the last that i have seen and i love it!
The history is about a extraterrestrial baby (Megamind) that arrive to the planet earth running away from his planet that was being eaten by a black hole, at the same time whit Metroman. Once there happens incidents that make that people think that he was evil, but those happens while he makes inventions and scientific experiments whit help of his faithfull friend Minion (Servil), and Metroman was the boy who fixed it. At this way Megaman grow up in the prision, learning bad thin guided by criminals.
So, this is the way that is developed the history, until the eternal Megamind's enemy (Metroman) is defeated. Megamind gets so happy until he see that the life is not the same without Metroman, is bored and have not sense, so he decide to creat a new enemy and superhero: Titan, who is not who Megamind wants him to be, and comes to miss Metroman. All this happens while love grows... the sexy and beautifull reporter Roxanne Ritchie.

I hope some one of you have seen the movie, is really funny. And if no one know it, is a good view for the weekend.

6 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. He looks like the girl with hydrocephaly from my blog. Do you think the same?
    Ahora sí que me falto una Y en hydrocephaly.

  3. denfinitely it`s a movie that Ian must see, will be our next movie for see, thanks for the recommendation!

    see you!

  4. I think I saw this on a plane last summer. Unfortunately I slept through most of it!

  5. I love that movie too, it's great...bye

  6. luis: maybe she should painher head and wear a evil dress at halloween D:

    goiro: you SHOULD see this movie, Ian 'll love it!

    Simón: i can see that "you lose your travel"
    is one of the best movies ever!

    Pinguina: you know what is god (Y)
